News Article Bratislava Hornex office residential Slovakia
by Property Forum | Office

The mixed-use development Prešovská in Bratislava by the Hornex construction company received a binding opinion from the city, and the current change indicates that the investor is striving for further acceleration of construction, reports

In 2009, the office and residential project Prešovská was presented to the public. It passed through the environmental impact assessment and obtained a valid decision. However, the project was stopped by an unfavourable public reaction. 

The project came to life again under the management of Fundus s.r.o., a company close to Hornex. The renewed development preserves the original concept of two main buildings - office and residential. Both buildings will rise from a common base, which will have two underground floors. The office building will have eight above-ground floors with a lobby, an F&B and retail premises on the ground floor, and office spaces on the upper floors. The apartment building will have 15 above-ground floors with 55 apartments, suites and community spaces. 

In February 2024, the developer received a binding opinion from the city, and after a few months, however, a change to the binding opinion was published, as the developer requested merging the zoning and construction proceedings. This could significantly shorten the path to construction. It is one of the first projects, which benefits from the recent changes in Slovak construction legislation.