News Article Bratislava JTRE Penta Real Estate residential Slovakia
by Property Forum | Investment

On the right bank of the Danube, new neighbourhood developments have been underway for several years. JTRE is preparing the Nové Lido and Penta Real Estate the Southbank project. For their plans to become a reality,  the city councillors need to give the green light to change the city's master plan and swap city land. As reports, both proposals have eventually received support.

Approving the new city master plan does not automatically mean approval of the projects. Developers still have to go through the standard permitting process.

Even before the meeting of the city council, it was clear that both points of discussion - the exchange of land and the change of the city master plan would pass thanks to the support of the majority of deputies. The deputies who criticized the municipality for the exchange of land admitted that they were not against the construction or exchange of land, but against the city giving up its negotiating positions so cheaply.

The Bratislava municipality declared the exchange of land beneficial. Thanks to this, the capital will acquire 97 rental apartments with a floor area of 5,379 sqm of a market value of approximately €25 million. And that's beyond direct legal claims, such as the development fee.