Bratislava Property Forum 2018

Date: 1st March 2018    Venue: Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel


08:30-09:00: Registration

SECTION I: CEE as an investment destination

09:00 - 09:30

Welcome and keynote speech: Innovation in real estate

Louise Brooke-Smith has 30 years’ experience as a Chartered Surveyor and Chartered Town Planner both in the UK and overseas. She is a Senior Partner at Arcadis, the international multidisciplinary consultancy for the built environment and the first woman to hold the role of President of the RICS.


09:30 - 10:00

Economic outlook for Slovakia and CEE

A macroeconomic overview of the CEE region and Slovakia. This outlook will present an overview of global and local risks that might impact the real estate business.


10:00 - 10:45

Senior CEE investor, developer and banker roundtable

2017 was a great year for the CEE property market and the scene is set for 2018 to be even better. This panel brings together major players from the CEE real estate business to discuss the current investment, development and financing landscape.

Chair: Peter Nitschneider MRICS, Country Manager, Head of Advisory, JLL Slovakia

Conversation participants:

10:45 - 11:15

Coffee Break

SECTION II: Slovakia as a business destination

11:15 - 11:35

Latest trends in workplace solutions


11:35 - 12:10

A transforming city: Bratislava office developers’ roundtable

The concept of the ideal office space has changed tremendously in recent years. This panel of tenants, landlords, developers and advisors will talk about what makes an office attractive in 2018 and what it will take to secure new leases and keep existing tenants happy in the years to come.

Chair: Kristina Pomothyova, Associate Director, Workplace Solutions, Colliers International

Conversation participants:

12:10 - 12:45

Retail and logistics panel

Changing consumer habits are making not only retailers, but developers and owners of logistics and retail property rethink their strategies. Business need to react to the growing popularity of online shopping fast as costumers need want more and they want it now.

Chair: Andreas Ridder, Chairman CEE, CBRE

Conversation participants:

12:45 - 13:45

Lunch break

SECTION III: Discussion groups

Discussion groups are a new format Property Forum is introducing at its events. Attendees, led by a moderator, will have the chance to discuss one topic in depth in an open and interactive way with excellent networking opportunities. Please choose one of the five topics, each roundtable is able to accommodate only a limited number of people.

13:45 - 15:00

Urban planning: Understanding the cities of the future

Chair: Louise Brooke-Smith FRICS, Senior Partner and UK Head of Development Strategic Planning and Head of Social Value, Arcadis

13:45 - 15:00

GDPR: Data protection for the new age

Chair: Radovan Pala Ph.D. LL.M., Partner, Taylor Wessing Czech Republic

13:45 - 15:00

Valuation: Best practices in a changing world

Chair: Barbora Dermeková MRICS, Head of Valuation, JLL

13:45 - 15:00

Transparency & conflict of interest in commercial lease transactions

Chair: Cristina Dumitrache, Chief Business Development Officer, Rustler Romania

13:45 - 15:00

Wellbeing: New requirements for the workplace of tomorrow

Chair: Dalibor Surový, Senior Leasing Manager, HB Reavis

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