Matevž Menčak

People Matevž Menčak

Generali Investments Slovenia
Head Of Real Estate Funds

Matevž Menčak has a Master of Science in International Business Management. He did a part of his studies at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Mosbach, Germany. He has more than 10 years of experiences from entrepreneurship and financial services. He gained his experiences at Audit Companies such as Ebner Stolz in Kiel, Germany, and Deloitte Slovenia and continued his career at Bosch, Munich, in the department for Sales Controlling. At the beginning of 2015 he joined a Swiss Investment Asset management Bank UBS in Munich and worked in the department for Real Estate Fund Operations and later as a specialist in the department for Real Estate Fund Risk and Controlling Operations where he was responsible for more than 50 properties in the field of retail, office and logistics. As Head of Real Estate Funds, he joined Generali Investments (before KD Funds) in January 2018 and joined a team that is successfully managing Alternative Real Estate Investment Fund in Slovenia.


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