Raluca Radu

People Raluca Radu

MTH Digital

With an extensive experience of over 17 years in digital strategies for online business and online marketing, Raluca is deeply involved in the education and growth of e-commerce in Romania, also being the Co-Organiser of GPeC – the most important e-commerce event in Romania and the founder of the MTH Digital – digital marketing agency for e-commerce. In her spare time, Raluca acts as both an e-commerce trainer and digital marketing trainer as well as an online strategy consultant, offering feedback and helping online businesses grow. Raluca Radu has been the Country Manager of ANSWEAR (the top online fashion retailer in Central and Eastern Europe) in Romania since its launch in the autumn of 2015. During her career, Raluca was responsible for the launch of the online classifieds leader OLX.ro on the Romanian market and the for the successful growth of team forming of other online projects, while she was Country Manager for Naspers Romania. A Computer Science graduate and mathematics aficionado, Raluca is convinced that logic and data are the basis of any effective business strategy.


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