Mr. Zsolt Kákosy has been working in the real estate industry since 1997. He graduated at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences (Major: Finance, minor: Business evaluation). He obtained his M.Sc in Real Estate from Nottingham Trent University and Budapest University of Technology and Economics (joint course) in 2001. In 2003, he obtained his MBA degree at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (course being coordinated by the State University of New York at Buffalo). Currently, he works for SAM-Lak Kft (member of the RPHI group) as co-managing director and CFO. Earlier he has gained experience as a real estate developer being mostly involved in industrial and logistics projects. He is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) since 2002 and is a board member of RICS Hungary since 2006. Kákosy is also known as a founding member of the RICS Property Finance and Investment Professional Group in Hungary.