Zsolt Hintenberger

People Zsolt Hintenberger

Managing Partner

Zsolt is the founding partner of Realiscon, graduated as a civil engineer specialising in the water and environmental field. He is also a member of RICS and holds a PMP credential. He gained experience in a multicultural milieu over 25 years in public infrastructure, environmental and real estate development projects. Since its foundation, Zsolt with Realiscon has set up a high-profile client portfolio of the most valuable property asset types such as hotels, offices, residential, logistics and public institutions. Realiscon provides development project management, quality control, TDD, BREEAM, LEED, and WELL consultancy, ESG audit services, and design services for wetlands, public utilities, sewage water treatment plants, harbour and hydro PP. Zsolt is committed to strengthening biodiversity and regularly participates voluntarily in wetlands monitoring activities.


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