Over 10 years of experience mostly within real estate consulting companies covering the SEE region. Prior to joining Erste Bank, Srdjan Runjevac was actively involved in investment advisory and valuation services to public and private companies, developers, investors, funds, REITs and banks, as well as involved in M&A deals, privatization, takeovers, project financing and portfolio valuations. In Erste bank, Srdjan Runjevac is responsible for the supervision of external valuation’s standardization, portfolio analysis as well as the development and implementation of new automation processes. In 2013, he has obtained an MSc from a dual Real Estate Management program from Saxion University in the Netherlands and Greenwich University in the UK. As a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Srdjan Runjevac is actively involved in promoting valuation standards nationally and internationally in both business and academic fields via courses, seminars and guest lectures, such as at the Saxion University in the Netherlands.