Raluca Crişan

People Raluca Crişan

Immochan Romania
Marketing Manager

Customer experience, customer service and customer satisfaction – all of Raluca's career was animated by these approaches of client-driven marketing. She experienced it in retail networks during her 10 years’ activity as a consultant for the one of the major customer experience management consultancy agencies in France – Qualimetrie. She was able to deploy it directly as a Marketing Project Manager for Coresi Shopping Resort, after joining Immochan Romania in 2013. Thanks to its revolutionary concept, Coresi positioned as a reference for the Romanian retail market and the 8 million visitors the first year after the opening. Together with Immochan's growth as the biggest shopping centres network in Romania (managing 23 centres), Raluca built the B2B2C marketing strategy and team for Immochan, branded as 10xClient (=thanks client) Marketing. She is also at the heart of Retail United, Immochan Romania's initiative for collaboration in retail.

Previously spoke at the following Property Forum conferences:


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