Pavel Svoreň

People Pavel Svoreň


Pavel Svoreň manages PORTIVA and is responsible for fulfilling its objectives. He forms the structure, consolidates the group, co-creates the investment strategy and manages relationships with partners. He graduated in International Relations and Energy Security from the Faculty of Social Studies at Masaryk University. He also graduated in International Relations from the University of Tallinn. Prior to joining the PORTIVA group, he worked as the Director of the Energy Division of the DRFG investment group. In the past, he also worked at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, at the energy company Slovenský plynárenský priemysel and at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tallinn. He gets away from work mainly by skiing with his family and playing golf and he also likes to travel when he has the time.

Previously spoke at the following Property Forum conference:


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