Natalia Popova

People Natalia Popova

LODH Private Equity
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Natalia Popova is an Investment Director at LODH Private Equity, responsible for investment strategy and fund investments in the CEE region. LODH Private Equity, a member of the Lombard Odier Group, is a leading private equity investor in the European middle-market. Located in Zurich, Switzerland, its dedicated investment team combines a broad fund and direct investment expertise in both Western and Eastern Europe. Today the firm has €1.4bn in assets under management through it's four Euro Choice fund of funds, of which about 10% has been invested in the CEE region. Prior to LODH Private Equity, Natalia worked at Banca del Gottardo (today known as BSI) developing their business strategy for the CEE region, and before that at PwC in Moscow as a tax and legal consultant. Natalia holds an MBA from the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University and an economics degree from the International University in Moscow.


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