Mihai Chirica

People Mihai Chirica

City of Iași

Mihai Chirica was elected Mayor of the City of Iași in 2016. He has been working in the local administration since 2002, being the director of the Technical and Investment Directorate of the Municipality of Iași. Between 2012 and 2016, he was elected Deputy Mayor. He is an engineer by profession, graduating in 1995, as Head of Promotion, from the Faculty of Geological and Geophysical Engineering of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University in Iasi. In 1996 he obtained his Master's degree in the same faculty, and in 2007 he graduated from the MBA School - Organizational Management at the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University in Iasi. Also in the same year, he obtained a Master's degree in Geotechnical Engineering at the Faculty of Construction at the same university. In 2017, he graduated from the National Defense College. During his activity, he was also an effective project manager at the Municipality of Iaşi, successfully coordinating the implementation of over 20 large-scale infrastructure projects both with local and government funding, as well as with European funds. Born in Iași in 1971, Mihai Chirica is constantly encouraging the promotion of Iași at the international level, laying the foundations for permanent communication on economic, cultural and educational topics, especially with Romania's strategic partners (USA, United Kingdom of Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy), but and with Israel and Japan. A promoter of an open administration, where the community is a constant dialogue and consultation partner, Mihai Chirica aims to support the cultural and educational values of Iași at the national and international levels.

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