Marcel Kolesar MRICS

People Marcel Kolesar MRICS

RSJ Investments
Transaction Manager

Marcel is an enthusiastic real estate professional with 15 years of experience in commercial real estate in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and the CEE. Marcel is currently working at RSJ Investments, a Czech private equity investment company, where he is responsible for real estate acquisitions and disposals. Through several sub-funds and open-ended unit funds, RSJ Investments manages a broad portfolio of investments into real estate, agriculture, industry, and services. A large portion of its managed assets is various development projects, several standing income-producing assets and agricultural land. Previously, Marcel worked at REICO, an investment company of Česká Spořitelna and real estate consultancy companies Colliers and CBRE. Marcel received an MSc in Real Estate Investment and Management degree from Sheffield Hallam & Nottingam Trent universities.


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