Magdalena Magnuszewska

People Magdalena Magnuszewska

Innova Capital

Magdalena Magnuszewska holds a position of a Partner at a CEE midmarket private equity fund - Innova Capital. She joined the company in 2004, working as an Analyst, Associate, Director, and subsequently Managing Director, and from April 2016 onwards as a Partner. Her focus has been on investments in new technologies and online markets. Magda’s latest transaction in this sector was Innova’s investment in the Netsprint Group, the Polish technological marketing and big data leader. She has also been a team leader and mentored new talent at the fund. Magdalena has been involved for the entire investment period in several portfolio companies including the following Innova investments: Mercor, Meritum Bank, Libet, GTS/Benestra, Emitel, WP and the NetSprint Group. Mrs. Magnuszewska graduated from Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management with Honors. She holds a master degree in Finance and Banking.


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