Lisa Chase

People Lisa Chase

Lucky Fish Research and Communications
Strategic Policy and Research Consultant

Lisa Chase has researched and written extensively on sustainable development policy and urban design for Harvard Graduate School of Design, Harvard University’s Real Estate Academic Initiative and Harvard Business School. She has co-authored publications on social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility in Stanford Social Innovation Review, Harvard Business Review and Harvard Business School Working Knowledge. Lisa has presented to academic and industry audiences, including Yale University, Fordham University, C4E Forum, the Academy of International Business, VSE CEE Conference and SEE SDEWES Conference on policy and financing mechanisms for environmental and climate solutions. She holds a Master of Laws in European Union Law from King’s College London, where she researched the convergence of EU energy efficiency and corporate accountability (ESG) policies, and a Master of Liberal Arts (International Relations) from Harvard University. Lisa‘s consultancy, Lucky Fish Research and Communications, specializes in EU policy advising and content development for sustainable finance and the built environment.

Previously spoke at the following Property Forum conferences:


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