Leandro Escobar is an economist and a lawyer, with almost 20 years experience in valuation. He is the Secretary General of ATASA, the Spanish Association of Valuation Companies. On that behalf, he is a representative to the following groupings: Working Group in the Advisory Forum of the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC); European Valuation Practice and Methodology Board (EVPMB) of The European Group of Valuers Associations (TEGoVA); General Assembly of the Union of Pan American Valuation Associations (UPAV); Management Board of the International Property Measurement Standards Council (IPMSC); Executive Commission of the International Ethics Standards Council (IESC); membership of the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO). Additionally, Leandro is a lecturer in Statistics, Econometrics, Financial Mathematics and Valuation in several universities. He is also a researcher in the field of Financial Risks and Valuation. Some of his articles have been awarded in different countries, the most relevant being "Valuation for securitisation purposes – how to cope with the crisis”, “Compared tools for measuring and managing real estate risk”, “Valuation of rural land under Spanish statute: a comparative study of valuation for financial and governmental purposes; consideration of sustainability in land valuation” and “Recent evolution in professional liability in the field of property valuation: the Titan v Colliers case”. He has spoken in more than 80 national and international congresses, conferences and seminars on banking, finance, real estate and valuation.