Károly Dömötör Makk

People Károly Dömötör Makk

Lead Leasing Manager

During his professional career, spanning more than 16 years, Makk has worked in the field of investment at companies, such as A1 Immobillien AG and DTZ in investment adviser positions. He gained experience and a vast network of clients during the years he spent in the media sector 13 + years working in the field of direct sales, later responsible for the FMCG sector at largest online media outlet in Hungary, Index.hu He returned to the real estate sector at the beginning of 2019 and worked for CE LAND Holding before joining TriGranit over two and a half years later where during the pandemic, the total leased area of Millennium Gardens with his lead reached over 15.000 sqm. Dömötör has graduated (BSc) at the International Business School, following his scholarship studies in Toronto, Canada.

Previously spoke at the following Property Forum conference:


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