Hubert Manturzyk MRICS

People Hubert Manturzyk MRICS

Aareal Bank AG
General Manager CEE

Hubert Mańturzyk has over 22 years of experience in banking with a focus on commercial property in CEE and corporate financing, including four years of bank operation management in Poland. For all these years he has also participated in numerous trainings covering all aspects of banking activity as well as leadership and management. Since 2018, Hubert has been General Manager at Aareal Bank in Warsaw with responsibility for all operational aspects of the branch, business development and budgeting/planning. Leading a team of highly qualified people, Hubert has been successful in the acquisition of new business in CEE and in line with Aareal’s strategy he plans to dynamically expand the business even further. The focus of Aareal Bank is on large portfolio transactions and on building strong and long-lasting relationships with clients.


Property Forum is a leading event hub in the CEE real estate industry with over 10 years of experience. We organise conferences, business breakfasts and workshops focused on real estate, in London, Vienna, Warsaw, Budapest, Bucharest, Bratislava, Prague, Zagreb and Sofia, amongst other locations.
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