Darko Djoric

People Darko Djoric

MIND Group

Darko Djoric CEO of MIND Group since 2018 is responsible for the coordination of the project MIND Park in Kragujevac. MIND Park is an industrial cluster-based area, spread across 150ha. The Park is set to become globally unique as a centre of competence, focused, but not limited to the rail vehicle industry.  In 2003 Darko Djoric started working for the company Milanovic Inzenjering (today Siemens Mobility doo Cerovac). From 2006 to 2017 he held the position of managing director of the water treatment sector and CEO of Milanovic Inzenjering. He is a member of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers, the main section of responsible designers and contractors, member of the Association of Engineers and Technicians and Rotary Club Kragujevac.

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