Danijela Ilić FRICS

People Danijela Ilić FRICS

National Association of Valuers of Serbia (NAVS)

Danijela is qualified property valuer holding Recognized European Valuer professional mark with over 35 yeras of experinece in property industry, out of which 19 years of experience in property valuation in Serbia and in other countries. In 2008 she has set up valuaton company Operational Center of Asset Valuers which has dealt with major real estate development projects in Serbia including important government projects such as converting surplus military properties into civil uses, viability studies for new uses of brownfield locations and others. As of 2016, she is freelence consultant and consellor on numerous issues regarding real estate in Serbia. She is founder and President of National Association of Valuers of Serbia. Under her leadership, NAVS became a member of TEGoVA in 2011 and a REV awarding member of TEGoVA in 2012. She has participated in translation of EVS and IVS into Serbian languge as of 2007. Danijela is currently a member of the Board of The European Group of Valuers’ Associations (TEGoVA) and a memeber of TEGoVA’s European Valuation Practice and Methodology Board. She is also elected Chairman of TEGoVA Business Valuation Committee which proposes European Business Valuation Standards (EBVS) and defines the gap which experienced Real estate valuers should bridge in order to produce business valuation according to the EBVS.


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