Dániel Jellinek

People Dániel Jellinek

Indotek Group
Partner, CEO

Having founded Indotek in 1997, Daniel carries overall management responsibility and holds a majority stake in the company with the remainder owned by the Colorado based Bohemian Group. Indotek is an opportunistic investor targeting value-add and distressed projects that enable it to deploy its capacity to turn around and utilize challenging properties. At present, the company owns buildings of approximately 1,000,000 sqm in about 200 projects, occupied by over 1,000 tenants. These numbers place Indotek in a clear number 1 position in the relevant market in Hungary. At present the group’s activity includes various financial services such as real estate fund management and property leasing. Indotek recently became one of the most significant players in the local NPL investment market. In addition to investing its own capital in loan portfolios, the company also acts as a servicer in joint investments with private and institutional partners.


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