Bruno Sanchez Saiz-Ezquerra PhD

People Bruno Sanchez Saiz-Ezquerra PhD

Universidad de Navarra
Professor of Project Management and Building Information Modelling

Bruno Sánchez Saiz-Ezquerra currently works at the Department of Construction Science, Building Services and Structures, University of Navarre, Spain. He is a chartered architectural engineer. He holds a Ph.D in Construction Project Management (CPM) and 3 Master's degrees in the areas of Building Información Modelling (BIM), Project Management (PM) and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). He has been responsable for the implementation of BIM at the School of Architecture where he teaches BIM and CPM for future architects, and PM in the university degree of Design. He has worked in Dragados S.A. for a long time and he collaborates with other construction firms. His research is focused on Construction 4.0, BIM Education and CPM.

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