Balázs Tóth

People Balázs Tóth

OTP Ingatlan Alapkezelő

Was born in 1963. Worked for Vegyterv 1986-88, for the Ingatlanforgalmazó és Gazdasági Tanácsadó Rt () 1988-92 on the fields of real estate investments, sales and asset evaluation. Between 1992-2002 worked for OTP Bank Nyrt, till 1999 as an adviser worked with the corporate and real estate investment advisor, between 1999-2002 in the transformation of the bank investment and cost controlling system. Between 1997-2000 the managing director of Bank Center No.1. Beruházási és Fejlesztési Kft. (investment and development). Since 2002 the CEO of OTP Ingatlan Alapkezelő Zrt. (real estate fund management). Graduated in 1986 at Bánki Donát Technical College as a facility engineer, and in 1992 from Budapest Economic Unicerity as a specialized economist. Made his real estate valuer exam in 1990. Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

Previously spoke at the following Property Forum conferences:


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