Angela Galeța

People Angela Galeța

Fundația Vodafone România

Since December 2012, Angela Galeța has been the Director of the Vodafone Romania Foundation, responsible for the annual strategy and budget management of the Foundation. Over the years she has been involved in and coordinated important projects such as: "Telemedicine solution for SMURD", "Partnership for Life Vodafone - Mountain Rescue", "Volunteer by profession", "Construction of a new neonatal intensive care unit at Marie Curie Hospital", "Modernization of the neonatology department at Constanta County Hospital", "School in a suitcase", "A Chance for Life", "Connecting for Good", "Investing in the Rural Environment", "School of the Future", "Life Fund for Newborns", Bright Sky Ro, "Letters for Santa Claus" carried out in partnership with renowned NGOs or Vodafone Romania Foundation's own programmes. At the same time, she has supported important NGO fundraising campaigns through the SMS donation mechanism.

Previously spoke at the following Property Forum conference:


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