Andreea Cotiga

People Andreea Cotiga

CPI Romania
Head of Leasing Office

Andreea Cotigă is Head of Leasing Office at CPI Romania, starting in September 2022. Prior to CPIPG, Andreea was responsible for the leasing activity of the Immofinanz Romania office portfolio for five years. As part of her current responsibilities, besides developing commercial interest for the company’s portfolio, Andreea was also involved in refurbishing and successfully re-tenanting large-scale office assets. With an experience of over 20 years of office & retail leasing, as well as in residential sales, Andreea has previously occupied the position of Leasing Manager at Anchor Grup (prior to Immofinanz), being consecutively responsible for the leasing of the company’s shopping centres and office buildings, as well as for the sales activity of its residential developments.


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