Anamaria Stroia-Tilley

People Anamaria Stroia-Tilley

Sustainability Senior Manager

Anamaria Stroia-Tilley is an experienced consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the environmental services industry, leading know-how and technology transfer initiatives in a variety of disciplines (climate change, smart cities and urban mobility, sustainable energy, water management). Anamaria has over 15 years of experience in project management, as well as in the development of studies in the field of sustainability. As part of the EU’s Smart Cities project, she was the Co-chair of the working group on Finance. Between 2019 and 2021, she was also a Senior Expert for the Green Finance Funding Facility in Romania, a facility set up by the EBRD to support the funding and take up of green homes and other energy-efficient building technologies and home appliances. Anamaria was also an expert in the project "Analysis of Environmental Scenarios and Assessment of Climate Risks" of the European Commission, being involved in a number of studies on physical climate risks and their impact on the economy, with the beneficiary being the National Bank of Romania. Currently, she is involved in projects related to sustainability reporting, including calculating the eligibility and the alignment with the EU Taxonomy Regulation, but also in projects related to the calculation of GHG emissions and setting up of decarbonization strategies.

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