Ádám Farkas

People Ádám Farkas

European Banking Authority

Dr. Ádám Farkas (born in 1968) started his career as full-time lecturer at the Budapest University of Economics and financial advisor for EBRD (London). He was executive director and member of the Board of Directors at the Hungarian National Bank between 1997 and 2001, where his main responsibilities included currency reserves management, open market operations, operating the banking services and risk management offered to the state, managing the relationships with credit rating agencies. He was vice president of the Board of Directors at Keler Rt., and member of the Stock Exchange Council of Budapest Stock Exchange between 1999 and 2001. From 2001, he was executive director, and then between 2002 and 2005 CEO of CIB Central European National Bank. From 2005 he was vice president of the Board of Directors at Budapest Airport Zrt. From 2005 he is member of the Supervisory Board and president of the Audit Committee at Magyar Telekom Rt. (Deutsche Telekom Group). From 2006 he was CEO and member of the Board of Directors at the newly founded Allianz Bank Zrt., and from 2007 member of the Board of Directors at Allianz Hungária Zrt. After that he became president of PSZÁF (Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority). Dr. Ádám Farkas graduated from the Budapest University of Economics in 1991, and in 1995 he also obtained a PhD from the university. Between 1992 and 1995, he studied at various universities abroad (Sunderland University, Great Britain; George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA), and also conducted a research (Erasmus University, Rotterdam). Since 2001 he is general director of the European Banking Authority.


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