Ádám Banai received his MSc in Financial Investment Analysis and Risk Management from the Corvinus University of Budapest. He also earned his doctoral degree from the Business and Management Doctoral School at the Corvinus University of Budapest. He started his career as an analyst in the financial stability area at the Magyar Nemzeti Bank. After several promotions he was made Head of the Applied Research and Stress Testing Department in 2013. From 2017, he has been the director of Directorate Financial System Analysis. He examines the analyses assessing risks in the banking system, policy decisions concerning the banking system, research promoting regulation in the area of the domestic and regional banking system. In addition to macroeconomic and economic policy issues, his main research areas include stress testing, the analysis of funding liquidity risks, credit risks and systemic risks. He published numerous studies in the Journal of Financial Stability, the Journal of International Money and Finance, and the Acta Oeconomica, as well as in the Financial and Economic Review.