News Article CPI Europe group Czech Republic investment office Trinity Bank
by Property Forum | Investment

Trinity Bank's real estate fund has purchased the Pankrác House office building in Prague from CPI Europe group, reports

The building is close to the metro and is fully occupied. Tenants of the building include Multisport Benefit, media agencies from the Omnicom Media Group and healthcare provider Canadian Medical.

Pankrác House provides its tenants with modern office space and a wide range of services. The complex includes a lobby connected to a café and a 24/7 reception, a restaurant, an underground garage, a bicycle storage room, a fitness room, and fully equipped conference rooms. The complex offers almost 18,000 sqm of rentable space.

According to the server SeznamZprávy, Trinity Bank was supposed to buy the building at a relatively low price because the owner was selling under pressure. "The transaction was carried out close to the book value of the property. However, we are not disclosing further details," Simone Korbelius, investor relations manager at CPI Europe (formerly Immofinanz), told the server.

The price remains secret. However, according to SeznamZprávy, it was about CZK 1 billion (€40 million).