News Two Polish giants to join forces

Two Polish giants to join forces

by Property Forum
Murapol - one of the largest developers has started a cooperation with EPP - the largest shopping centre manager in the country. They plan to establish joint ventures. They have notified the UOKiK (Office of Competition and Consumer Protection) of their intention to concentrate.
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News Murapol enters Warsaw Stock Exchange

Murapol enters Warsaw Stock Exchange

by Property Forum
The shares of Murapol made their debut on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Thus, this residential developer became the 413th company listed on the Main Market and the 10th debut on this market in 2023.
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News Murapol plans IPO on Warsaw Stock Exchange

Murapol plans IPO on Warsaw Stock Exchange

by Property Forum
Polish residential developer Murapol has filed a prospectus with the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) in connection with the IPO being considered and the start of listing on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
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News Murapol gets a new loan of PLN 350 million for new projects

Murapol gets a new loan of PLN 350 million for new projects

by Property Forum
Murapol has restructured its existing debt and obtained a new loan from mBank and Bank Pekao in the amount of PLN 350 million. The developer is implementing a plan to rationalize the financing structure and to support the sustainable development of nationwide operations.
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News Murapol sees the end of the pandemic on Poland's resi market

Murapol sees the end of the pandemic on Poland's resi market

by Michał Poręcki
Nikodem Iskra, CEO of Murapol, one of the largest residential developers in Poland, believes that in 2021 the residential market will shake off the effects of the pandemic. He foresees further increases of apartment prices – in his opinion record-low interest rates are not only stimulating the mortgage market, but are also a strong impulse for investment activity
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News Ares and Griffin buy majority stake in Polish developer

Ares and Griffin buy majority stake in Polish developer

by Property Forum
A joint venture between a fund managed by the Real Estate Group of Ares Management Corporation and Griffin Real Estate announced the acquisition of a 98.04% stake in Murapol SA, a leading Polish property development company. The value of the deal was not disclosed.
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Latest news

New leases

  • Plant-Tec Europe will expand its leased space at the Hillwood Zgierz I logistics centre. The tenant has signed a contract for an additional 3,900 sqm and will occupy a total of more than 9,300 sqm of warehouse and office space.
  • Radio ZU has leased 1,540 sqm of office space in Bucharest-based MIRO building, owned by Hili Properties. With this transaction, the project has reached full occupancy.
  • Ana-Maria Pascu has been appointed Leasing Manager of River Development starting September 2024. She has been part of River Development’s team for more than 20 years, as economist, with responsibilities in the department that manages the relationship with the community of clients in the mixed-use project Sema Parc.

New appointments

  • Andrzej Szczepanik has been promoted to manager of the Colliers office in Łódź. In his new role, he will be responsible for, among others, maintaining client relations, acquiring new business partners and building development strategies.
  • At the beginning of September 2024, Anna Wrzecionko assumed the position of acting managing director of YIT in Poland. Since 2016, she has served as CFO.
  • Katarzyna Mosoń, an expert with more than 10 years of experience in the field of negotiation, recruitment and business development in an international environment, has become the new Regional Director of Colliers in Wrocław.


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