News Europe’s construction sector to take recovery path in 2025

Europe’s construction sector to take recovery path in 2025

by Property Forum
Construction activity in the 19 Euroconstruct countries is projected to decline by 2.4% in 2024, while next year it should return to growth, with an estimated rate of 0.6%, according to the conclusions of a conference held in early December 2024, in Milan. 
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News Czech Republic to run out of basic building materials

Czech Republic to run out of basic building materials

by Property Forum
The Czech Republic has been risking losing its self-sufficiency in producing stone and sand, according to the Euroconstruct report. These essential materials are becoming scarce because closed deposits are not replaced with newly opened ones. Obtaining permits for new ones is extremely complicated and none have been created for long.
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News European construction industry continues recovery

European construction industry continues recovery

by Property Forum
According to Michael Klien from WIFO (the Austrian Euroconstruct member institute), 2022 was the second year of recovery for the European construction industry after the outbreak of the pandemic. The year-on-year growth rates of 3% were, however, much lower than in 2021 (+5.8%) owing to the sharp rise in construction costs, Euroconstruct reports in its latest press release.
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News Rebound expected in Poland’s construction market

Rebound expected in Poland’s construction market

by Property Forum
After declines in Polish non-residential construction in 2020 and 2021, PAB-PCR&F Institute, the Polish member of Euroconstruct, forecasts a growth of over 3% annually in 2022-2024.
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News How will rising prices impact construction in Slovakia?

How will rising prices impact construction in Slovakia?

by Property Forum
The Slovak construction market is the smallest among the member countries of the Euroconstruct area. Due to its size, it is significantly more affected by both favourable and unfavourable influences. Overall, the private sector contributes more to construction investment than the public sector. With one exception, civil engineering, where public investment is higher. In residential construction private investment exceeds public. This can be attributed to a widely neglected public rental housing programme in Slovakia, writes Radovan Kostelník from ÚEOS Komercia in his study for the independent organization Euroconstruct that unites research organisations from 19 EU countries.
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News Material shortages threaten the construction sector’s recovery

Material shortages threaten the construction sector’s recovery

by Property Forum
According to the UK analyst of Euroconstruct, Harvir Dhillon, material shortages have plagued the construction industry over the past few months. In tandem with rising inflation, global construction activity has experienced a supply-side shock that looks set to persist well into 2022. Disruption in the supply chain has been driven by a number of factors, from the constrained capacity of sawmills and steel mills to environmental factors such as the forest fires seen in major timber exporters like the United States and Sweden, to name but a few.
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News Czech construction output recovery not expected until 2023

Czech construction output recovery not expected until 2023

by Property Forum
According to the Czech analyst of Euroconstruct, David Frič, Czech construction certainly did not evade the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the industry fell by 3.6% in 2020 and is unlikely to return to pre-pandemic levels in the next two years.
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News Strong rebound in European construction in 2021, but not in Hungary

Strong rebound in European construction in 2021, but not in Hungary

by Property Forum
According to the new forecast presented by WIFO, the Austrian partner of the Euroconstruct network, construction in the Euroconstruct area is set to register a 3.8% growth this year. Yet, Hungary still awaits negative growth rates this year, although the drop in 2021 is foreseen to be lower than last year.
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News Hungary’s construction market not expected to recover fast

Hungary’s construction market not expected to recover fast

by Property Forum
Unusually, due to the current situation, Euroconstruct has issued an interim forecast which is a revision of the June construction market forecast. The results have been summarised by János Gáspár, head of Euroconstruct's Hungarian research institute, Buildecon.
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News Europe’s construction industry will be hit hard by COVID-19

Europe’s construction industry will be hit hard by COVID-19

by Property Forum
The European construction industry will be hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis, according to Euroconstruct's latest forecast for 19 European member states.
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Latest news

New leases

  • The Media Expert electromarket chain has joined the ranks of tenants at the Big Łubna park. A 700 sqm outlet has opened in the shopping complex near Warsaw.
  • EPP-managed Power Park Kielce has strengthened its offer in the DIY and hobby segment. A multimarket of the Swedish Jula chain has opened in the facility with a total area of more than 1,700 sqm.
  • JLL and its company Tétris, which specialises in the design and arrangement of commercial interiors, have decided to relocate their Kraków office to the Unity Centre complex. The new office comprises 300 sqm and is located on the 16th floor of the building.

New appointments

  • CPI Property Group announced the appointment of Agnieszka Baczyńska, the current Head of Leasing Retail, to the newly created position of Business Excellence Director in Poland. She will be responsible for implementing the operational efficiency strategy and monitoring its progress, as well as supervising projects related to business transformation.
  • Marta Busłajew joined the 7R team as Head of Marketing and Communications, where she will oversee the development and execution of marketing and communication strategies aligned with 7R's growth plans.
  • Savills announced that Wojciech Mazur has joined the Office Agency - Landlord Representation. He will support commercial property owners in the processes of leasing.


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