SOF-11 Klimt CAI S.a.r.l., a controlled subsidiary of Starwood Capital Group, has decided to increase the offer price from €35.00 (dividend-adjusted) to €37.00.
According to BidCo, the offer price will not be increased further. The offer will end on 14 July 2021 (17:00 CEST) and will not be extended. Therefore, only a short window of time remains for holders of CA Immo securities to make use of the further improved offer.
BidCo will also increase the offer price for the CA Immo Convertible Bonds in a manner that is proportional to the price increase offered to CA Immo shareholders.
Security holders who have already tendered their CA Immo shares and/or convertible bonds during the acceptance period, which ended on 9 April 2021, will receive a top-up payment in accordance with Austrian takeover law.