Sale prices for properties in Romania’s mountain resorts start at €3,500 - €4,000 per sqm and can go as high as €7,500 sqm, according to a Crosspoint Real Estate report. By contrast, prices can reach €8,000 per sqm in Austrian resorts and around €28,000 per sqm in French mountain resorts.
Lower costs, an increasing desire for diversity among tourists and Romania’s cultural and geographical uniqueness can help the country attract more investments in its mountain resorts in the years to come, according to the agency.
In recent years, the hospitality industry in Romanian mountain resorts has seen a notable increase in development, largely driven by the growing diversity of accommodation facilities available. The development of the luxury segment, the emergence of modern chalets, together with an increasing range of accommodation facilities, has played a key role in shaping this trend.
“Although limited at the moment, the supply of high-end properties in Romania’s mountain resorts matches the quality standards found in Western European countries, offers investors competitive returns and has significant potential for future development,” says Ilinca Timofte, Head of Research at Crosspoint Real Estate.
The report further shows that with over 255 km of ski slopes, Romania has a high potential of growth by exploiting its position and key advantages.