News Article Prologis to start new BTS developments near Budapest
by Ákos Budai | Industrial

Prologis has signed a new lease agreement for 13,800 square metres and will deliver two new facilities totalling 21,000 square metres at Prologis Park Budapest-Sziget for Waberer’s. The transactions with new customer Waberer’s include 13,800 square metres at DC7A, a 21,500 square metre speculative facility that is now fully let two months after completion and 21,000 square metres at DC7B and DC8 to be developed to the customer’s specifications and scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2017. 

“Prologis Park Budapest-Sziget is currently 99-percent let, including the recently delivered speculative facility, and, with the completion of both buildings for Waberer’s, will be fully developed. Our development strategy for this park has proved to be successful,” said Laszlo Kemenes, senior vice president and country manager of Prologis Hungary.
Prologis Park Budapest-Sziget currently comprises seven buildings totalling 150,000 square metres. The park is southeast of Budapest in the industrial zone of Szigetszentmiklós, providing direct access to the national and international road network via the M0 ring highway around Budapest.