News Article Budapest flexible HQcentre Hungary IWG Yulia Lytvynenko
by Property Forum | Office

IWG has announced the opening of a HQ centre in southern Budapest, which marks the HQ brand’s debut in Hungary. 

The new HQ F99 includes private offices, meeting rooms, co-working and creative spaces that address companies of all sizes. The building has many other amenities such as a restaurant, café, bicycle storage, storage space for rent, underground parking spaces for rent, car wash or grocery store.

At present, the building is in the process of obtaining BREEAM certification.

“We are seeing strong growth in the region and are optimistic about further expansion opportunities throughout Budapest and Hungary. This latest opening – which is our third partnership agreement with Proform Ingatlanbefektetési Zrt. in Budapest - at a time when more and more companies are discovering that flexible working boosts employee happiness and satisfaction, while helping the environment,” says Yulia Lytvynenko, IWG’s Country Manager & Sales Director for Ukraine and Hungary.

The latest opening is part of IWG’s expansion strategy, which saw the group open 867 new locations last year alone.