News Article Colliers Romania Eurostat Gabriela Blăniță homes residential Romania
by Property Forum | Residential

Romanians’ intention to buy a home in the next 12 months is approaching the levels seen between 2006 and 2008, according to a recent Colliers analysis based on Eurostat data.

The interest is still high considering the slower closing of new residential deals and the high interest rate environment for bank loans.

“The rapid increase in house prices in recent years, especially for new homes, has increased the fear of missing out (FOMO) among potential buyers. Recent experiences are influencing customer behaviour, as they fear further price increases that could make homeownership even more difficult”, says Gabriel Blăniță, Associate Director Valuation & Advisory Services at Colliers Romania.

He added that local developers can take advantage of the increased demand for homes, especially in metropolitan areas where people seek more space and proximity to nature.