Heimstaden has offered the Czech government 500 apartments for Ukrainian families. At the same time, the company is trying to equip the flats, which can accommodate up to 2,000 people, with furniture. At the same time, it is also trying to take care of the families of its Ukrainian employees, the company announced in response to the current war situation in Ukraine.
The offer of apartments to Ukrainian families fleeing the war was submitted to the government by the country's largest rental housing provider on Thursday. Heimstaden is also working with furniture dealers to furnish the apartments on offer. The first 20 flats for families of Ukrainian workers are already ready.
"We contacted the government on the first day of the war in Ukraine. As a rental housing provider, we are very aware of how important it is to feel safe and have a roof over your head. And especially for people with fresh war experience. As a company, we feel deeply affected by the events in Ukraine and we all want to help as much as possible. We are in contact with both the Ministry of the Interior and the Refugee Administration at all times. We are trying to create a system of the most effective coordination so that all those who are fleeing the war with their families and need housing can get into the apartments we offer as soon as possible," says Jan Rafaj, CEO of Heimstaden's Czech branch.
The first group of apartments for refugees so far consists of 500 units and according to Ratafaj, they can offer hundreds more apartments if the need arises. Heimstaden employs 20 Ukrainian craftsmen. Immediately after the outbreak of the war, they were offered maximum and immediate assistance. "We agreed with the humanitarian organisation ADRA in Havířov to coordinate medical care, help with finding a school, arranging the necessary documents, etc. Everything is being born very quickly, and the following days will show what will be needed next," said Rafaj.
Heimstaden also offers fast accommodation to Ukrainian families of other companies it cooperates with in the Moravian-Silesian region.