GTC Group, present in Serbia for the past 20 years, has opened its newest office building in Belgrade. GTC X brings to the market 17,700 sqm of first-class office space in Block 41, located along Milutin Milanković Boulevard in New Belgrade.
To mark this special occasion, Mr Zoltán Fekete, President of the GTC Management Board came to Serbia and shared his excitement about the newest projects and further plans in Serbia. "GTC X is not just an exceptional building but also a major milestone in the history of our company, and – loud and clear – a demonstration of our commitment to the Serbian market. GTC X is not only a landmark that defines an entire district in the Serbian capital but also a true representation of our mission to create outstanding value for our clients on the principles of sustainable development," he said.
On behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Žarko Malinović, emphasized the importance of GTC's presence in Serbia. "In the last 2 decades, GTC has distinguished itself in our market not only as one of the most important investors in the construction of commercial buildings but in the architecture of office buildings as well. I am glad that all the highest principles of sustainable development and energy efficiency are respected in all GTC buildings. By investing in such projects, we have learnt that the business community is growing in Serbia, and that it has a need for such innovative and inspiring business premises, which, in turn, has a positive impact on our economy," Malinović emphasized.
Like all previous GTC Group projects, GTC X was designed and built in accordance with the green standards of the LEED Gold certificate, which guarantees maximum energy efficiency and state-of-the-art technology.
GTC X's list of tenants includes Serbian IT companies HTEC Group and Tenderly, international audit, tax and advisory firm Mazars, world-known digital expert Webhelp and a Take a Break restaurant.