In mid-April this year, Equilis Poland finalized the land purchase transaction in Warsaw's Ursus district and plans to implement development of over 1,000 apartments there. Construction is scheduled to begin in the upcoming year.
In July 2020, Equilis strengthened its structures in Poland. The direction of development of the European company in Poland is primarily the further implementation of innovative, highly aesthetic projects in line with the idea of sustainable construction. The portfolio of Equilis includes both residential investments as well as office and commercial buildings.
Anna Dużyńska, CEO of Equilis Poland said: “Equilis’ mission is to build not only buildings but above all create places and write their story, shaping the space for living and experiencing. That is why we were so keen on the possibility of implementing our first residential investment in the capital in the Ursus district, a place with a rich tradition, and not only the post-industrial one. This space is gradually changing, giving us the opportunity to design a district that combines multiple functions. We are at the stage of planning the project, in its implementation we will be guided by the aspects that are crucial for us as Equilis: the innovation of the project, its coherence with the environment, the use of green solutions and passive construction elements”.
The project that Equilis is starting in Warsaw's Ursus district is planned to cover over 1,000 apartments. The construction works will start in 2022. With the commencement of the implementation of the Warsaw investment, Equilis Poland joined the ranks of the Polish Association of Developers - the largest industry organization in Poland.
“Along with the development of its structures and operations in regional offices on the Old Continent, Equilis wants to continue its mission and make a real contribution to the development of sustainable construction in Europe.”- says Carl Mestdagh, CEO and founder of the company. “We are pleased to be able to implement our vision and develop projects on the Polish market. At Equilis, we believe that by creating spaces and buildings, we build someone's sense of security and fulfilment. We want our investments to be comfortable not only for those who will live in them.”