INVESTIKA real estate fund has announced exceeding the threshold of CZK 20 billion (€790 million) in the volume of funds from Czech and Slovak investors.
The INVESTIKA real estate fund manages a sectoral and geographically diversified portfolio, which consists of 50 high-quality commercial properties leased to approximately 350 tenants from various sectors of the economy.
"We founded the INVESTIKA real estate fund in 2015 to make investing available to everyone who wants to build and improve their property by safe passive investment in commercial real estate. In the form of an open mutual real estate fund, we offered the general public a conservative investment product with a target return of 4-6% per year. I am pleased that our vision is coming true because today INVESTIKA has a real estate fund of more than 80,000 investors, managing investment capital worth CZK 20 billion. With a minimal initial investment of CZK 100 (€4), the INVESTIKA real estate fund is truly accessible to everyone," says Petr Čížek, Chairman of the Board of Directors at INVESTIKA, which manages the INVESTIKA real estate fund.
The number of investors and the amount of investment capital under management make INVESTIKA real estate fund the number one among non-bank real estate funds in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the second largest open mutual real estate fund for small investors in the Czech Republic.
INVESTIKA real estate fund owns real estate in the Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia and Spain. Today, the largest part of the portfolio is in Poland, where it has office and logistics complexes in Warsaw and regional cities. In the Czech Republic, INVESTIKA owns office buildings (e.g. Avenir E and Karla Engliše 4 in Prague or Bohemia Business Center in Pilsen), shopping gallery Butovice in Prague and smaller properties in the Czech regions. In addition to the portfolio, the INVESTIKA real estate fund also manages properties within the luxury residential segment with development potential in Croatia and Spain.
In 2022, the INVESTIKA real estate fund began to voluntarily monitor the sustainability of its buildings and gradually introduce construction-technical and technological modifications to reduce their energy demand and carbon footprint. This year, all buildings in the Czech Republic (except a small part of the portfolio) and Poland should pass BREEAM international environmental certification.