News Article Czech Republic investment Realia Fund Sicav
by Property Forum | Investment

The Realia Fund Sicav has been focusing on investments in regional retail parks. It has now announced the results for 2024. Since its inception in 2020, the fund has achieved an average annual appreciation of 9.91% p.a.

It has brought investors a net return of 9.18% (CZK shares) and 8.12% (EUR shares). Since its establishment, the fund faced several market challenges and economic turbulence that tested its resilience. From the beginning, the company has been betting on a conservative approach. It avoids overpriced premium acquisitions and focuses on assets with a long-term sustainable return. Financing is always provided with fixed interest rates and lease agreements are concluded for five years or more.

The fund manages a portfolio worth CZK 2.7 billion (€108 million), owning 20 shopping parks. The latest acquisition was made at the beginning of February and the company's management plans to expand further. 80% of the investors in the fund are individuals, qualified investors. Other investors in the fund are legal entities and various institutions, other investment funds, municipalities, non-profit organisations, and also banks.

"Last year's results reflect the growth in regularly collected rent due to inflation, but also a positive revaluation of the value of our retail park portfolio," commented Tomáš Oplíštil, Member of the fund's investment committee and Commercial Director of Realia Group.