CTP acquired the ex-Nokia building in Komárom, Hungary. The 52,771 sqm property is located on a 137,001 sqm site in Komárom Industrial Park. The property was purpose built in three phases between 1999 and 2004 and was designed by Nokia for their specific use and requirements. The whole site comprises three main buildings and further technical facilities which support the operation of the factory.
The former Nokia factory has an excellent access to the main European markets with transport connections. Komárom Industrial Park has favourable road connections as the motorway M1 is 10 km. Occupiers of the Park include Mylan Inc., Foxconn, Stora Enso, Motivating Graphics, Kaiser and BYD. The distance of the property to Audi factory in Győr is 34 km, 90 km to Budapest, 80 km to Bratislava and 120 km to Vienna.