Generali is becoming the anchor tenant in the office complex Vilharia constructed by the Slovak developer Corwin in the heart of Ljubljana.
Generali and Corwin signed a contract for 7.700 sqm of GLA in Vilharia, the price details have not been published. More than 60 % of the works on Vilharia have been completed and three out of five building cores have reached the maximum height. The façade installation has been ongoing since August and much of the building is already closed. Vilharia will be a part of a revitalisation of the central station area in the city.
Earlier this year, Corwin announced that it managed to secure a €75.6 million loan for their second Ljubljana project. Financing for Vilharia was arranged by Erste Group, with Banka Sparkasse d. d., Slovenia and Eximbanka SR as participating lenders. As one of the largest commercial loans in Ljubljana, it demonstrates the growing focus of the financial sector on ESG-compliant, sustainable projects.
Vilharia will be the first office building in Ljubljana with the LEED Platinum certificate and with the ambition to join the two carbon-neutral buildings in Europe with the LEED Zero Carbon certificate.