Pavăl Holding has appointed CBRE as manager of its U-Center 1 office building. The manager will oversee all aspects of the property in relation to tenants, subcontractors, and authorities.
U-Center 1 has a total leasable area of 31,000 sqm and holds the WELL CORE certification at the Platinum level as well as the LEED v4 PLATINUM certification.
"The value of a property manager is particularly evident in the case of buildings at two extremes - either older generation buildings with various challenges that require our experience, or recently developed buildings with the latest technology, design, and construction solutions, such as U-Center 1, which constantly challenge us to be creative and innovative in optimizing even where efficiency already exists. If we focus exclusively on the office building segment in Romania, between 18% and 23% of the total administration cost is generated by utility consumption. This leads to the need to identify first those improvements that can be implemented today,” says Valeriu Toma, Head of Property Management at CBRE Romania.
CBRE's Property Management department in Romania manages a total of 1.2 million sqm of spaces, including 38 office buildings, as well as premium retail and residential properties.
U-Center 1 was developed by Forte Partners and sold to Pavăl Holding at the end of 2022.