Belgian developer Atenor completed the construction of Aréna Business Campus Building “A” in Budapest. The project, launched in spring 2018, will comprise four Class A+ environmentally conscious office buildings on 72,000 sqm on the capital’s Hungária Boulevard. The authorization of the occupancy permit for Building “A” is currently under process with the handover of the 21,000 sqm building scheduled for June. In parallel, the construction of the second, Building ”B” is in full swing and will be completed in Q2 2021.
“Atenor has been present on Budapest’s office market since 2008, and I can confidently say that it writes a unique success story because five buildings of our first local project, the six-building Váci Greens office complex, have been sold and 100,000 sqm of the total 123,000 sqm office space have been leased’, says Zoltán Borbély, Country Director of Atenor Hungary. “The leasing of Building “A” is in an advanced phase, we have signed lease contracts and letter of intents on nearly 40% of the building.”