CTP Group, Allianz Group and ING Bank have signed a new €160 million syndicate loan for the financing of a portfolio of industrial properties in the Czech Republic. This loan serves both to refinance existing loans from a group of CEE banks and to finance new projects which have been completed in 2017. The refinancing with Allianz and ING is part of CTP´s ongoing strategy to extend its network of financing partners, including seeking partners outside the CEE region.
"We are very pleased with today’s closing between CTP, the Allianz and ING. This new credit confirms CTP's efforts to expand our portfolio of financial partners to Western European institutions," said Zdeněk Raus, Financial Manager at CTP, who participated in the negotiations and further execution of this loan together with Radek Zeman, CFO of CTP. The legal part of the transaction was led by Markéta Večeřová, Corporate Lawyer at CTP.
“The conclusion of this agreement confirms the CTP’s intention to continue institutionalize our financing portfolio which now exceeds €4 billion as well as the dominant position of our company on the market,” stated Markéta Večeřová, Corporate Lawyer at CTP