News Article Czech Republic industrial investments report
by Property Forum | Report

According to the report by Savills and Statista (, the European AI market is expected to reach €76.5 billion this year, up by 25.9% compared to 2023. The annual growth rate is expected to be 15.9% until 2030. These numbers confirm that artificial intelligence is gaining traction across industrial sectors, and data centres will be no exception. 

AI requires larger data centres, preferably in regions with abundant green resources. It will strengthen cybersecurity and reduce the environmental footprint. „Many specialised AI data centres are not location-dependent and are therefore likely to be concentrated in regions with multiple energy resources, especially green energy, “says Ondřej Míček, Head of Industrial Agency at Savills. 

On the other hand, with the rise of AI-based services and applications that require fast data processing, the importance of edge data centres located close to where the data is generated will grow, to minimize latency. Ondřej Míček adds: "Artificial intelligence is beneficial for data centres, but on the other hand it changes their requirements. It is particularly useful in the optimisation of resources, cybersecurity or reducing the environmental footprint of data centres. At the same time, AI changes the infrastructure and, due to the growing capacity of storage and hardware, requires larger spaces." In the field of cybersecurity, AI technologies can detect potential data centre security threats and can quickly respond to mitigate risks.