Accolade Group will invest €8.6 million in the construction of a new industrial park near Zdice, right at exit 28 from the D5 motorway from Prague to Plzeň. The project will offer 12,100 sqm of leasable space and might start operating by 2020 or earlier.
“The industrial park we are developing at Zdice is primarily intended for non-disturbing light manufacturing activities, and it may as well accommodate facilities for a logistics firm or an e-shop. It is expected to become available to a future tenant by 2020. Located right at the D5 motorway exit, it provides superb transport connectivity, avoiding any built-up area,” explains Milan Kratina, CEO and co-owner of Accolade.
Hypothetically, as many as two hundred operating jobs and about thirty administrative jobs might be created: these are the maximum numbers, based on the municipality’s requirements in the local development plan. However, Accolade as the park’s investor believes that the actual numbers will be much lower because the tenants are expected to invest heavily in automation and robotisation.
The total size of the future park is 67,699 sqm metres. More than half of it will be covered by greenery; the building itself will occupy less than 18 per cent of the area. Although the soil at the site is of mediocre if not substandard quality, the recovered topsoil will be spread by local farmers over their fields to control erosion or to make their land more productive.
The building itself will feature enhanced thermal insulation and modern economical LED lighting. Consumption of energy and other inputs, especially water, will be kept as low as possible. A retention pond will be built in the park to keep rainwater on site and allow it to seep into the ground.
All this will be reflected in the construction process and in the agreement with the future tenant, the purpose is to ensure that the construction and operation of the building is people- and environmentally friendly enough to meet the requirements for the BREEAM certification at a level of ‘Very Good’ or higher, like other buildings of the Accolade Group.
The building currently being prepared for construction is the first part of the project in the area designated for the Zdice Industrial Zone in the municipality’s local development plan. Prospects for the future include the construction of another building, a new road and a cycle path, and gas and sewer service lines for the village of Knížkovice.