Zdeněk Raus

People Zdeněk Raus

Group Treasurer

Zdeněk Raus is the Group Treasurer at CTP, the leading industrial property development and management company in Central and Eastern Europe. In this position, Zdeněk oversees the Group's cash flow liquidity management, participates in funding and bank relations, and contributes to the Group’s financing strategy. Over the past ten years which he has been part of CTP, he has helped guide the company's growth from an annual rental income from under €100 million to well above €300 million today, in addition to supporting to company's expansion from just Czechia to over eight countries. In 2019, he helped source financing for CTP's Czech industrial portfolio for €1.9 billion. Prior to his time at CTP, Zdeněk was an auditor at KPMG.

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